Friday, October 18, 2013

The Conceptual Map

     In the book,  Beginner's Guide to Community-Based Arts,  the CRAFT model is thought of as a conceptual map.  It appears that following the map will hopefully get you to your final destination and one would hope that you don't have too many detours along the way.  I see this project as a journey and although I have had a couple of detours,  what some might consider road closures, I am thrilled with  the learning process.

The CRAFT model:

CONTACT:    I started this process last semester as I engaged in forming relationships with staff and faculty at Martin Middle School.  By the end of the spring semester I felt connected and hopeful we were all on the same page.  It had been worth the endeavor and extra time to earn the trust of the people at Martin.  I was looking forward to starting the oral history project for Martin this fall.  Needless to say, I had no idea that two key staff members were about to exit and contact would need to be established again.  It is yet to be proven if those replacements will desire an oral history project for Martin.  I am hopeful they will; however, it is quite possible that they see the needs for the school differently.  So, I guess this is a temporary detour along the path! doesn't always go as planned....minor derailments often occur! It is important to not get discouraged and realize, once again, this is about the relationships and the needs of the school...not me!

RESEARCH:  This is where we are with our project today.  The amount of behind the scenes work that goes into developing an oral history or photo journalism project.  Do we understand what photo journalism and oral history look like?  We can gain knowledge about these types of project by researching what they are, what they look like, and where to go for help.  Our team is currently trying to watch other oral history projects, developing questions for our contacts, and gathering information on photojournalism.  We have to continue to search for information on the community and the school so we understand the history of Holly Street and Martin.

ACTION:  We are not here yet.  Hopefully we will have a portion of an oral history or photojournalism project ready for the school.  The goal is to have something that benefits the people of Martin and Holly Street.

FEEDBACK:  A necessary component of any work or project.  I look forward to having something developed for the school that they can be excited about and spread the word about the project and the history of their school.

TEACHING:  Sustainability. I hope this project will continue to spark passion and excitement from the students, families and staff at Martin.  Equally important, I hope the students that continue to be involved in global project will want to be involved and continue to support Martin Middle School in their desire for an oral history.

I am looking forward to this journey and thankful for the CRAFT map!


  1. Greta, I love that you felt so connected to the project that you wanted to repeat the class to finish what you had started. It's inspiring and although there are more roadblocks than you might have expected, I'm sure you will do great work and get further with the projects. Thanks for laying out where you are in the process and staying positive! I loved the quote at the bottom.

  2. Greta,
    I agree with Ellen, I love that you felt compelled enough to retake the class-espcially knowing that you might have to continue school longer because of it. I think that is a wonderful trait and I hope that we can finish the semester off with some sort of a product for this project.
